Posted At: Jul 08, 2024 - 440 Views

Master JavaScript: From Basics to Advanced
The main course is structured into four parts: JavaScript Tutorial, Browser DOM, JavaScript with DSA, and Logic & Real World Project Building. Additionally, there are specialized thematic articles.
Table of Contents
- JavaScript Tutorial
- Browser Dom
- JavaScript With DSA
- Logic & Real World Project Building
Part 1: The JavaScript Language
- In this course, we start from the basics of JavaScript and progress to advanced topics like OOP
- Our focus is on the core language, keeping environment-specific details to a minimum.
- Building a Strong Foundation: Mastering JavaScript Fundamentals
An introduction & Requirements
JavaScript Fundamentals
- Introduction: Hello, World!
- Structuring Your Code
- Using "use strict" Mode
- Understanding Variables
- Exploring Data Types
- User Interactions: Alert, Prompt, Confirm
- Type Conversions
- Basic Operators and Math
- Making Comparisons
- Conditional Branching: if, '?'
- Logical Operators
- Nullish Coalescing Operator '??'
- Utilizing Loops: while and for
- The "switch" Statement
- Functions: An Overview
- Function Expressions
- Arrow Functions: The Basics
- Special Features in JavaScript
Exploring Data Types
- Primitive Methods
- Numbers
- Strings
- Arrays
- Array Methods
- Iterables
- Map and Set
- WeakMap and WeakSet
- Object Keys, Values, Entries
- Destructuring Assignment
- Date and Time
- JSON Methods and toJSON
Advanced working with functions
- Recursion and the Call Stack
- Rest Parameters and Spread Syntax
- Variable Scope and Closures
- The Legacy of "var"
- The Global Object
- Function Objects and Named Function Expressions (NFE)
- The "new Function" Syntax
- Scheduling with setTimeout and setInterval
- Decorators and Function Forwarding with call/apply
- Function Binding
- Revisited: Arrow Functions
Objects & Object Properties Configuration
- Introduction to Objects
- Object References and Copying
- Garbage Collection
- Object Methods and the "this" Keyword
- Constructors and the "new" Operator
- Optional Chaining (?.)
- The Symbol Type
- Object to Primitive Conversion
- Object Property flags and descriptors
- Getters and setters
Understanding Prototypal Inheritance
- Understanding Prototypal Inheritance
- The
Property - Working with Native Prototypes
- Prototype Methods and Objects without
Class Of JavaScript ( OOPs)
- Basic Class Syntax
- Class Inheritance
- Static Properties and Methods
- Private and Protected Properties and Methods
- Extending Built-in Classes
- Class Checking: "instanceof"
Promises, Async/Await
- Introduction to Callbacks
- Promises
- Promise Chaining
- Error Handling with Promises
- Promise API
- Promisification
- Microtasks
- Async/Await
Generators, Advanced Iteration
- Generators
- Async Iteration and Generators
- Introduction to Modules
- Export and Import
- Dynamic Imports
- Proxy and Reflect
- Eval: Running Code Strings
- Currying
- Reference Type
- BigInt
- Unicode and String Internals
- WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry
Error Handling
- Basic Error Handling with "try...catch"
- Custom Errors and Extending Error
Code quality
- Writing Effective Comments
- Browser Debugging Techniques
- Best Practices for Coding Style
- Ninja Coding Techniques
- Automated Testing with Mocha
- Polyfills and Transpilers
Next → Browser Dom With JavaScript
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Kuldeep Trivedi
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